Direction and management of logistics departments and operations for part-time or full-time small and medium-sized companies for pre-established projects or for specific issues, whether of organizational changes, transition or for companies that their needs at the logistics and supply chain level do not cover the tasks of a full-time person.
External management for micro-enterprise of logistics, supply chain, purchasing, distribution, provisioning.
The interim manager is a value proposition and it is usually based on the following factors:
- Return of investment, since it adds value by delivering a solution and also by facilitating professional management.
- Speed, in a short time he takes control of the situation and provides solutions.
- Experience, skills and knowledge that facilitate the presentation of solutions and their implementation efficiently.
- Objectivity., since it is not vitiated by the culture and synergies of the company.
- Responsibility since it is involved in the solution and its implementation goes to the end.
- Efficiency and commitment that the final result is the one that has been marked.